Our Volunteers

The volunteers work tirelessly for our Hospital. From the sales at the gift shop, they raise funds to be used for our Hospital and Clinics equipment needs. They recently purchased wall mounted otoscopes for each of the exam rooms at Kosse Community Health Clinic. Most recently they have hand sewn pig neck pillows that they give to our Hospital inpatients. Since 2010 they have provided $34,000 in scholarships and $46,718.54 in equipment purchases.
Our extraordinary volunteers have contributed over $2 million dollars in volunteer hours, (calculated at minimum wage). Volunteer Program Volunteers are required to attend orientation, annual education updates, wear uniforms, pay $5.00 for annual dues and attend several general meetings per year. Orientations for new volunteers are held monthly. There are currently 20 adult members who dedicate a minimum of three hours a week to Limestone Medical Center and Family Medicine Center. Service award pins are presented for donated service. A pin represents the first 100 hours. Thereafter, bars are given to represent each 100 hour increment of time. The Volunteers elect four officers each year for a leadership team that meets on a monthly basis. This team along with chairmen from various departments within the Volunteer organization comprises the Executive Board, which is responsible for decision making for the Volunteer Department. At Limestone Medical Center we are very proud of our Volunteer Department and their many accomplishments.