Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab
The Cardiac Rehab Program at Limestone Medical Center was established to provide patients, families, and communities with important resources to help fight the leading cause of death in the United States, cardiovascular disease.
This is accomplished through medically supervised exercise, as well as intensive lifestyle interventions and health education.
Michelle mullinnix, Director
Coronary heart disease affects millions of Americans each year. People who suffer from the following are all candidates for cardiac rehab.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
254-729-3281 ext. 2220
- stable angina
- heart attacks
- coronary artery bypass grafts
- coronary artery stinting
- valve replacement
- heart-lung transplants

There are 3 phases of Cardiac Rehab at Limestone Medical Center.
Phase 1 – An inpatient hospital program which is implemented days after your cardiac event that continues until your discharge. You may be sent to our facility from your initial facility for this program, sometimes called “Swing Bed”. This phase is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance’s.
Phase 2- An outpatient program which last 12-18 weeks that includes education, monitored exercise, and dietary consultations. Phase 2 is also covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance.
Phase 3- A maintenance phase created to help people who have participated in phase 2, to maintain the progress that they have achieved in rehab. This phase is not covered by Medicare or most insurance. Participants are charged a small fee per day for attendance.
All candidates for the program must have a physician’s referral.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
The purpose of Pulmonary Rehabilitation is to provide progressive exercise and education during medical supervision to individuals with chronic pulmonary disease. These individuals may include, but are not limited to those with asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, lung volume reduction, cystic fibrosis, and obesity related respiratory disorders. Other diagnosis includes lung cancer, lung transplant, pulmonary hypertension, and neuromuscular disorders.
Our goal for you is to reduce respiratory symptoms, increase knowledge of your disease, and improve activities of daily living and quality of life. Some individuals may return to work.
We offer 3 phases of pulmonary rehab.
Phase 1- inpatient hospital program initiated at the start of your stay.
Phase 2- outpatient program lasting 8 – 12 weeks that includes education, monitored exercise program, and dietary consults.
Phase 3- Maintenance phase which helps maintain the progress you have achieved in phases 1 and 2.
Phases 1 and 2 are covered by Medicare and most private insurances.
Phase 3 is not covered by Medicare or insurances. Patient is charged a small monthly fee for services.
- Pulmonary rehab has been a life saving pathway between inactivity and activity. It can bring people from being an observer of life to an active participant.